July 2025 marks the 25-Year anniversary of OPSoftware and our chain store cross-reference database!
For over 25 years now, we have fine tuned the processes, added sources, and updated our dealer tools to deliver the finest competitive intelligence product for independent dealers - ever!
The new Item411 is the latest tool in the delivery of our exhaustive database of competitive intelligence.
Market Xpert is a robust tool to cross-reference competitor product pricing, taking the guess-work out of bid strategy. It is your game-changer for competitive bidding and contract pricing.
Information is power. The more you have, the better you can compete in the market.
Market Xpert arms you with the information to win business without losing profitability. Market Xpert is your tool for making informed decisions about margin management and pricing strategy.
Please Note: Market Xpert was designed in cooperation with Essendant to provide an enhanced version of Item411 to Essendant first call customers. If you are a Essendant first call customer and would like to switch to Market Xpert, please contact us with your request.
Imagine uploading a 10,000 item bid sheet with Depot numbers, having a tool that will automatically match the items, and then exporting your file with Essendant item numbers, SP Item numbers, Depot item and manufacturer numbers, AND current Depot pricing! All in less than 15 minutes!
OPSoftware's new Bid Wizard makes it all possible!
OPSoftware's new Bid Wizard puts an end to the games played by the chains and puts you in control. Upload Excel files to Bid Wizard with practically anybody's item numbers and we will convert it to the wholesaler(s) of your choice and add chain store pricing from multiple sources!
Bid Wizard has processed over 453,400 bids!
We have finished a new interactive console in order to give dealers more control over their OPSoftware account.
The ADX Management Console gives you control over the following items:
We've Gone Mobile
Just point your mobile device browser to Item411.com or UnitedMarketXpert.com and we'll do the rest automatically switching you to the respective mobile site view!
Many of the popular features of Item411 will now be available on your mobile device. Always have critical pricing information at your fingertips.
Check stock, find cross references, quote prices, knowing that the price you quote is based upon the best competitive information available in the industry.
OPSoftware has partnered with several system providers to bring you an integration tool set we call eQuip.
eQuip is an integration tool developed by OPSoftware with the purpose of allowing our customers to choose from the most popular web store providers without concern for the backend system they use.
eQuip provides a common core accounting system without regards to your front end system. This system allows our customers to be web store independent; if your web store provider fails to meet your expectations, you can now feel free to choose a different provider without the fear of having to learn a new accounting system!
The basic functions of eQuip are as follows:
Additional features include:
In addition to the QuickBooks interface, LogicBlock users can:
You can now take advantage of Item411's comprehensive chain data regardless of your back-end system provider.
Connect411 connects Item411 to your back-end system making contract creation and updating simple and easy.
Using Scheduler411, you can keep your back-end contracts up-to-date with current chain pricing from the Item411 Website.
Available for the most popular system providers including:
Add chain store data and contract pricing to any web site or shopping cart!
Whether you have a custom website or a hosted website, let us show you the advantages available to you via our power pricing web service.
For those dealers not ready to invest in Item411, we offer a service that allows you to get our competitive information in a downloadable Excel file.
We can set you up to get our competitive information file just once or set you up to receive the downloads on a recurring basis.