Creating an SSI Contract from an Item411/Market Xpert Bid

Choose Start - All Programs - OPSoftware, LLC, Connect411 - Connect411 For SSI to start the program. Note that depending on your Windows operating system, this sequence may be different:

Connect411 for SSI Screen Shot

When you start Connect411 for SSI, the program checks for an updated version:

Connect411 for SSI Screen Shot

When the Connect411 for SSI Main Menu is displayed, click the Create a New Contract Button:

Connect411 for SSI Screen Shot

The Create a New Contract form is shown:

Connect411 for SSI Screen Shot

Select the Item411/Market Xpert Bid in the top Grid and then enter the SSI Contract Name, Store Number and select the Effective and Expiration dates using the drop-down lists.

You must also select an existing Item411/Market Xpert price plan from the Available Price Plans drop-down:

Connect411 for SSI Screen Shot

After filling the form out completely, click the Create Contract Button to begin the contract creation.

Connect411 for SSI Screen Shot

At the large contract prompt, click the OK Button.

Connect411 for SSI Screen Shot

After a couple of seconds or minutes, depending on the size of your contract, the New Contract Completed message will appear.

Click the Exit Button to return to the Connect411 for SSI Main Menu.