Bid Wizard in Item411/Market Xpert Can Export V5 Formatted Files

Bid Wizard in Item411/Market Xpert can export your pricing data in Britannia Version 5 format ready to import into your Britannia system.

To export a price file in Britannia V5 format, follow these steps.

  1. Login to Item411/Market Xpert
  2. Click the Options Link at the top of the page
  3. Click the + sign next to IT - 411 Stes on the left side of the page
  4. Click the EX - Bid Wizard link on the left side of the page
  5. Change the Bid Wizard Excel output format to Britnet 5
  6. Click the Save Options Button

Export your bid using a price plan and Bid Wizard will create a Britnet 5 formatted file ready to import into your Britannia 5 system.